What to wear at a wedding is always a big problem and not only for the bride and groom.Sharing such a special day for a couple of friends, relatives or acquaintances, is a unique and emotional experience. It is important to feel at ease while being elegant and understated. Apart from the choice of what to wear, a dress or trousers, a suit or separates, what is very important to pay particular attention to is colours. White, as is widely known, for women is often beyond dispute and red is too flashy. However, what are the colours to avoid at a wedding?
In this article we learn what colours should be avoided, how to choose the most appropriate tones and how to enjoy the special day without worrying that you look out of place.
Dress code: colours to avoid
At every wedding there is a real dress code to be respected. The colours represent a fundamental aspect for the ceremony because they set the mood and the atmosphere. For this reason, it is very important to know how to combine elegance with simplicity, beauty with sobriety.
The rules, in general, follow these guidelines, unless there is no specific requirement from the bride. So, the colours to avoid for a wedding are:
- Violet because of the link to the popular superstition
- Red because it is too aggressive, bright and considered too flashy
- Dark because it represents grieving even if it is often worn at evening weddings

Other types of look that are not advisable are total gold and total silver. It is better to leave these colours to accessories or shoes.
What should we take into account when choosing colours?
The season is the most important consideration, not to mention the time of the ceremony or the party. Nevertheless it is very important to take into account that the option for sober shades is always the best solution.
In spring, for example, pastel colours are always an excellent choice, brighter colours in summer, warmer shades in autumn and plain colours.
In winter you can let yourself go with intense blue, burgundy-red and wood-green, colours that make a winter wedding suggestive and create an atmosphere worthy of celebration.
Many couples generally propose the colour of the wedding and the atmosphere they would like in the invitations: just look the colours there and it will be easier to follow the colours chosen by the newlyweds.
If you need of a wedding planner to ask for advice, don’t hesitate to contact me!